Monday, January 6, 2014

New Branch President

Hello Greene Family!
Sorry I haven't written you since last year, things got busy. Hahah. Crazy that it is 2014 though. This past week was another weird one with the holidays and a couple snowy days. I'm excited for it to calm down on all of the party stuff and just be able to be in the rhythm of missionary work again!
Our branch had a news years eve dance/fiesta thing. We couldn't go obviously but tons of our investigators and less actives went! It was "the highest attended branch activity in the history of the branch" according the members. So cool. The reason I tell you this is because the "C's" went as well. So on Friday when we were teaching them we asked how was it? Hna "C" got excited and then emotional as she expressed how everyone was there and how happy everyone was, especially her daughters. She realized that she needs to support her daughters and become active again in the church, even though she may have doubts. Huge miracle!
This week we focused a lot on helping our members get involved with investigators and less actives. We brought 3 different members to three different less active families, that these members are assigned to home teach. We had a lot of cool experiences with each one but one that stuck out was last night. The family is less active but one of the sons has been really struggling to know if God exists. At the end of the lesson the Spirit was pretty strong and his mom asked him to say the closing prayer. He hesitated for 10 seconds or so but then he offered a simple sincere prayer. It was a tender mercy for me to see that step of faith.
After being here for 6 months I love the members of this branch more than I could really express. One family that has taught me a lot is the Flores family, and President Flores is the Branch President. Well yesterday in sacrament meeting everyone was surprised, including me, when President Flores was released. They then called a new one, President Pinargote. Many members of the branch were sad and happy to see the changes. President Pinargote will have a lot on his plate, especially for the next couple weeks. I think that change was part of the reason that I still need to be here in Columbia, to help out with the transition in any way possible! I want you all to know that I know that this is the Church of Jesus Christ, and that it is led and directed by Him and the men and women he has called. I know that my own calling to serve in Maryland was inspired.
Well I can't believe Collin is gone and that Jared will be getting is call in a little over a month! Take a video and pictures. Mom and Dad going to skype again to watch him open it?

Anyways, I want you all to know that I will be praying for Brother Williams as well. I'm not sure why, but I was thinking about him the other day, wondering how he was doing. I think a lot of times the Spirit guides our thoughts to people who need our thoughts/prayers. Please keep me posted.
I love you all, have a great week and stay out of trouble (this is directed towards those that seem to always be in trouble, you know who you are)
-Elder Greene

PS So Romney, and our friend Austin and I are all down to live together. I'm sure we could find another person too but how many people live in these apartments? Should I get Romney's moms info for you? Let me know how to coordinate. Also as far as looking for an apartment, ask Trevor. Please! Love ya mom!

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