Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Walked 10 miles in the Snow

Hey Greene Family!
Well sorry it's a little delayed but here it is, my weekly letter. Monday was MLK day and of course the best way to honor those who fought against racism and segregation is by closing down libraries. Then yesterday we had a crazy snow storm come in. We got about 6 or 7 inches of snow. Needless to say they closed down everything and we couldn't drive. But more on that adventure later! Thanks a bunch for the letters and notes, I really liked all the comments about the temple. Also I feel super sorry for your 76 degree weather mom! You should come out to Maryland and bask in the sun and enjoy the cool 5 degree breezes, hahah.
This week we received some really exciting news! Elder S Gifford Nielsen of the Seventy will be coming to instruct us on Friday! Should be an experience of a lifetime, I'll let you know about it next week!
So back to snow storm, we got out of the house after lunch all bundled up and ready to go. Due to the fact that our area covers a stake and Spanish members live in little pockets, we had to walk quite a bit to get anywhere. In total we walked 10 miles in the snow. We pushed cars that were sliding all over the place, including a little Mercedes for a half mile uphill. By the time we got back for dinner I was sweating like crazy! But we had a great time and laughed all day!
This past week was pretty awesome. I'm sure I say that every week but it really was. So this past Saturday we went to visit a less active family, the "C's", just to invite them to church. We got there and they were having a little birthday party. So we talked to everyone in attendance and had a good time joking and talking. Before we left we invited everyone to church if they wanted to. No big lesson or anything. From there we went to an appointment with a less active family, the "N's". The "N's" are awesome. They are super friendly and I've really grown close to them in the past 6 months. Well they have been progressing pretty well but they still haven't been to church more than once in the past year and a half or so. We the Spirit was really strong in this lesson and we all knew it was time for them to come back. So we invited them to church and they said yes! It's amazing how far they have come in the past months.
So then came Sunday. We went into Sacrament meeting and talked with all that came in. Then the "C's" came in! And it wasn't just the mom (who comes about once a month) but 3 of her kids and a non member friend of theirs! One of the kids hasn't been to church in all the time I've been here. The young men and women swarmed them after the meeting. But after the "C's" came walking in the "N's" came! Everyone was so happy to see them. I really think this is a turning point for them. In total there were 11 less actives at church on Sunday! Such cool miracles are happening in this Branch.
Well I don't want to take too much time since it's a Wednesday and we are on exchanges. But I love you all and I hope you have a great week!
Elder Greene

Let me know when I need to register for classes or when I should start thinking about it.

PPPS I need more gel (last time I ask I promise) but is there a store here that I get buy it at? I could save us a couple bucks if Becky knows a store that sells it.

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