Monday, January 13, 2014

"What Can We Do For You?"

Hello my dear family,
Thanks so much for the letters, I really enjoyed the updates and spiritual thoughts. I especially enjoyed dad's thought about even years, hahah, it kinda blew my mind that all those things happened in even years. You could even add "diagnosed with diabetes"! Anyways, this week was a blur of miracles. But seriously, things are exploding not only in our area but in our Zone too! Also, President Richards announced that we will now be able to go to the DC temple once every 6 months!!! I can't even express how excited I am. Hopefully they don't schedule me for June yeah? hahah
But before I get to the miracles, I have to say, holy cow this past Tuesday was cold. It broke records, 5 degrees Fahrenheit and with wind they say it "felt like" -15 degrees. Thankfully we had the car and a whole lot of appointments so we didn't have to be outside to much. Be grateful I'm alive and have all my toes and fingers.
Also for mom's benefit: This week we went to the northern district meeting to see how our new district leader was doing with his district. Before the meeting started he asked if anyone could play prelude. No one played a lick of piano. So I summoned up what I could and played two hymns for 5-10 minutes of prelude music. Hahah, your dream was realized mom. (although we sang acapella for the actual hymns)
This week we went to the "V's" and we shared a lesson about DC 122 as well as enduring to the end. Hermano "V" continues to have his tumors pop up and yet he somehow keeps going. As we shared this the Spirit filled the room and he started to shed a couple tears. He has made a ton of progress from the time I got here and even though there is a ways to go, I know he is on the right path. He wants us to come once a week to help him progress more.
Maybe it's just our mission but I imagine the missionaries at home ask you constantly,"what can we do for you?" Well 9 out of 10 times people say, nothing or pray for us. Well as much as I love praying for everyone, I like to be a little more productive! So we asked a family this question and they answered, could you paint our mother's (so the grandma basically) room? YES!! So we went and painted on Saturday morning after recieving a delicious Salvadoranean breakfast. Here's the best part, the father is inactive. He has told members he doesn't believe in God and that he has doubts about a lot of things. Well me and every companion I've had have visited him almost every week I've been here, but we never talk about the Gospel. Well finally, as we talked about life and the world this Saturday morning, he opened up and said, I'm starting to see the revelations in the Bible being fulfilled, the Church isn't changing it's rules to adjust to man's rules. Sounds simple, but this is a huge step for him. I hope that this can continue to progress!
We visited a recently moved in less active family this week. They haven't been to church in about 10 years or so. But they want to come back and so we went over and established some expectations with them. Well the best part was that their 17 year old son, who isn't a member, sat in as well and has agreed to learn about the Gospel!
Yesterday was a great finishing day to this miraculous week. We went into sacrament and a lot of people walked in after. Hermano "C" came for the 3rd week in a row and stayed for all 3 hours again. "D", a sister of a recent convert came with her less active mother. Finally, a family of 4 who haven't come to church in well over a year came and stayed for all 3 hours. The branch just absorbed them right away. The Lord seems to be pouring out huge blessings on this branch. I'm grateful for all the prayers that you have been offering for the work here, because I can feel them. Thank you!
I could go on with even more miracles too! But I will finish here. I love you all and I'm grateful for each of you. I know that this is the Church of Jesus Christ. I know that he lives and that we can be perfected through him.
Elder Greene
PS I'll let you know info for Romney's mom soon. Also, I haven't gotten my A1C yet, this office is slow about it. But I'll let you know.

Nothing say "New Years" like a green mustache!

I'm the Mask (Party City is a great P-day activity)

Blue Steel (I was super tempted to buy these panda glasses)

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