Friday, June 1, 2012

Warts and All

Hey guys!
Another great (and extremely fast) week at the MTC! I can't believe I'm in the middle of my fourth week! So trek this week huh? That's awesome, trek is hard but I loved it so much. Can't wait to hear stories! Yeah I have a Plantar wart? on the bottom of my foot, I get it injected on Monday. It's almost as bad as Elder Ward's MRSA. Hahah. I'm getting my haircut today so keep me in your prayers... Oh before I forget, Mom I am running low on test strips, should I use my prescription at the Health Center? That's awesome Jared gave a talk! I'm sure it was awesome, I can't believe Chase Adams is already home?? Time sure does fly. Dad I'm super jealous about the concert, and it definitely isn't sacreligious to say it's a spiritual experience. Cause it is. I already asked my district if anyone had even heard of Of Monsters and Men and nope, no one. All good though. Elder Mower is from Sandy Utah and he is going to Honduras the day before I leave. He's the new District Leader and he's going to be great!
Well this week was a lot of fun and a lot of learning. Last Sunday I got asked to give a talk. How they do it is everyone prepares a 5 minute talk on one topic, The Restoration in the case, and the Branch President picks two people to speak when he announces sacrament. So me and Elder Young (way cool guy in my district) had to give talks, all in Spanish. Hahah, it went fine. It makes you feel like a primary kid again cause your talk is so simple. One thing that we now have the opportunity to do is teach volunteer members here at the MTC. It's seriously one of my favorite parts of the week! The members are so fun to talk to and it's more chill because you don't have to pretend that the investigator's eternal salvation is at stake. One guy we talked to this week served his mission in Nicaragua North and has a friend (Elder Russel?) that was companions with Elder Ward, or so this guy said. Last night we found out that one of our two teachers, Hermano Christofferson, is the nephew of the Apostle D. Todd Christofferson!! Crazy huh? I love both of my teachers and they teach us so much, both Spanish and Gospel things. The MTC would be a pretty sweet place to work after the mission.
This week I learned a lesson that I'll never forget. We taught Rancho (Hermano Christofferson) and things weren't going well. I was slightly annoyed at one of my companions because he taught my whole section of the lesson, and Rancho asked several questions that we couldn't answer very well because we didn't know the words in Spanish. I came out of the lesson feeling annoyed and disappointed. So we had a companion study and started talking about it. Randomly a teacher popped in our room, Hermano Haderlie, and he kinda just said, What's up? We told him what happened and he told me something that humbled me. He said it doesn't matter who says what in a lesson, all that matters is what the Spirit says. Now most people reading this probably think, well duh? But this was a valuable lesson to me and it taught me how much more important the Spirit is than the lesson we give. We got to teach him two more times this week and not only answered all his questions but he is going to Church on Sunday.
On another note, we got to go to the health center this week! What's funny is it wasn't for me. Both of my companions have medical needs so we got to go and get some pills. It was weird going to the Health Center cause just a couple months previously I went there with Romney and Zoe at BYU. But it was good to get off the MTC, barely, for a half hour.
Well times up, I love you guys so much and thanks for all the support!!
-Elder Greene

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