You all are trunky messes, but I forgive you. Thanks for the letters, I really enjoyed hearing about Jared and Dad's testimonies and Mom's experience with prayer.
This week was crazy! I think I say that every week but maybe that is just me. So my first exchange I get to Winchester at 9pm, that next morning we find a bed bug on the wall next to Elder Zander's bed. (Terrible timing for an exchange). For those of you who thought bed bugs were a myth and it's just something clever you mention when you go to bed, you are wrong. Just finding one is an epidemic. So we proceeded to move all of the furniture and beds (we found like 4 more). We packed all of the clothes in the whole apartment (including my things) and dried it on high heat. We set off two fumigation cans in two different rooms. We sprayed all the baseboards with bug killer and sprayed again in the bedroom. We sprayed virtually everything with isopropyl alcohol. We even caulked the walls for cracks and holes. I'm not going to lie, it was kinda stressful. But I was pretty confident that I was bed bug free.
Despite the amount of pest controlling, we had a great team up. There was a funeral for Brad Hoke's grandpa (Brad Hoke served in Trevor's mission) and all the missionaries, both Spanish and English, were asked to be the Pallbearers. Well there were seven and when I got there the Bishop (who I know pretty well) said that I would be the eighth. It was a really cool experience. Several times during the service the speaker spoke about how missionaries are representatives of Jesus Christ. How fitting that 8 representatives of Him are the ones carrying this man's casket. The Spirit was amazing.
I went to Braddock Heights in Frederick after that. We had so much fun. We went to a BBQ hosted by a counselor in the Stake Presidency, President Olsen. We had 10 missionaries or so there and a lot of non-members. We all ate in a big barn. At the end, all the missionaries sang Called to Serve and Families Can Be Together Forever with a Hawaiian guy accompanying on a Ukulele. The Spirit was so strong and I know a lot of the non-members were feeling it.
Life is great! Still hasn't really hit me that I come home in 10 days (thanks for the number crunch on that one Dad). I love you all!
Elder Greene
PS So I'm not sure if Sister Pascoe already emailed it to you but I arrive in the Phoenix Airport on Thursday at 12:45 PM from what I can tell. I have a layover in Minnesota (no I won't be calling you during that time) and I will be traveling with another missionary from AZ. Also, yeah if you could order insulin to be sent to the house that would be perfect. I have one vial left and I am using it. So pretty much don't have to worry about extra!
PPS What am I speaking on for my homecoming talk? I wouldn't mind planning a couple days in advance... but if you don't know then I'll just wing it hahah