Feliz Navidad! O feliz Noche Buena!
So yeah you still get a letter from me, don't worry. And yeah 3 pm my time Skype tomorrow. Can't believe it's Christmas Eve, sure doesn't feel like it. Tomorrow will be a more or less average day as far as schedule goes, maybe with more food and of course with skype and opening presents. Don't worry about the package thing, Trevor had to wait what like 5 or 6 months for a Christmas package? Yeah I'll be ok, hahah. But that's crazy about Taggert, I hope he's doing ok. (Taggert was tackled into a fence and required some Dermabond to glue his wound together on his head!) Anyways I had a pretty good week this week! I saw Jeff, that was way funny. The only reason I was even still around the apartment was cause the night before was that Christmas Party for the mission and we didn't have time to do laundry the day before. But yeah the party was great, we had an awesome testimony meeting with the departing missionaries and after a sweet dinner with a talent show. Oh and the tight end for the Baltimore Ravens, I think it's Dennis Pita, he came too, so that was cool.
So I'll start with something hilarious from this week. We went to an inactive family's house to drop by and they invited us in. The wife basically said hey I'm glad you all survived the end of the world (this was the day after December 21). We laughed but the father, Hermano Mancilla said no we didn't survive. I laughed and asked him so we're all dead then? He said we were dead but "fuimos resucitados por Goku, el uso las bolas de dragon." or we were resurrected by Goku, he used the Dragon Balls. I thought it was hilarious, but maybe only to Jared and the older cousins...
So I went on exchanges this week in Front Royal. I interviewed a man named Jimmy to be baptized, he's super smart and we're stoked to see him be baptized. Anyways later on at night, the Elder I was with wanted to go with some Ward Carolers to carol to less actives and investigators. I wasn't sure it was going to be a great use of time but I gave in and we went. We went to various houses and then one sister said, "Let's just knock on that house and sing and give them cookies!" The other Elder said no this neighborhood hasn't taken well to us knocking here. Now I don't know if it was the Spirit or I was just annoyed he was trying to get out of knocking a door but I said Yeah let's go! So we knocked and out came a Spanish guy! I started to speak in Spanish to him after the song and his name is Salvador and really wanted us to come over soon (Primary kids handing you cookies softens your heart).
Also, as if Heavenly Father hadn't already given us a bunch of miracles this week, we had two random Spanish guys walk into one of the wards we translate for. Their names are Marco and Leo. They have been going to a ward in Kentucky for a while and they just moved (and still haven't been baptized). We hopefully will be teaching them after Church next Sunday! And as icing on the cake, Elsa set a goal to be baptized in January. So I am so excited with what's going on the area here, we should be seeing some baptisms in January and February.
So all in all, just loving it out here in Winchester. I've been using pretty strong will power to keep it relatively warm here, hahah. Anyways, I wish I could send you all something for Christmas but it wouldn't make a ton of sense cause you could probably buy the same things over there. But I want you all to know that I love you and I pray for you almost everyday. Can't wait to talk to you all tomorrow, have questions ready if you have em!
-Elder Greene
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